Each wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one will tear it down with her own hands.
Whoever walks an upright path reveres Jehovah, but he who is devious in his ways despises him.
The proud talk of a fool is like a rod laid across his back, but with his words the wise man will protect himself.
When there are no oxen, the feeding trough will remain clean, but it is the strength of the oxen that brings in a bountiful harvest.
An honest witness does not deceive, but a false witness spews out lies.
The scoffer seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes readily to one of understanding.
Avoid the company of the fool, for in his words you will find no knowledge.
The wisdom of the prudent man determines his way; fools deceive themselves with their own folly.
Fools mock at making amends for sin, but among the upright, it is regarded with favor.
The heart knows its own bitterness and strangers cannot partake of its joy.
The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will expand.
There is a way that may seem right to a man, but which will, in the end, lead to death.
Even in laughter the heart may sorrow and mirth may end in grief.
Backsliders are paid back for their ways and good men are rewarded for theirs.
The naive will believe in anything, but the prudent will examine the steps he takes.
The wise are circumspect and avoid danger, while the fool has confidence in his reckless behavior.
The quick-tempered man makes foolish mistakes and the evil schemer is hated.
The simple are endowed with foolishness, while knowledge is bestowed upon the prudent.
The evil bow down before the good and the wicked genuflect at the gates of the godly.
The poor are despised even by their neighbors, but the rich have plenty of friends.
It is sinful to despise your neighbor, but happy is the man who is kind to the poor.
Are not those who plot evil in error? But those who make plans for good know love and fidelity.
In all labor there is profit, but chattering lips leads only to poverty.
The wise are crowned with wealth, but the folly of foolish brings only foolishness.
A truthful witness is a savior of lives, but a false witness is a speaker of lies.
He who reveres Jehovah has a secure fortress that is a refuge for this children.
Reverence for Jehovah is the well-spring of life by which one may avoid the snares of death.
In a large population lies the glory of a king, but a dwindling populace is a prince’s ruination.
He who is slow to anger possesses great understanding, but he who is short-tempered flaunts his folly.
A serene mind rejuvenates the body, but jealousy rots the bones.
Whoever oppresses the poor insults his maker, but he who is kind to the needy honors him.
The wicked man is overthrown by his own wrongdoing, but even in death the righteous man finds a refuge.
Wisdom resides in the minds of men of understanding, but manifests itself even in the company of fools.
Righteousness brings greatness to a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
A king takes delight in a wise servant, but is angered by the servant who brings shame upon him.
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