The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a young lion.
When a nation is in a state of rebellion, it has many rulers, but a wise and just leader will restore stability.
A poor man who oppresses the poor is like a driving rain that leaves no crops standing.
Those who reject the law support the wicked, but those who follow the law fight against them.
Evil men do not understand right and wrong, but those who follow Jehovah understand all.
Better is the poor man who walks with integrity than the rich man who treads a crooked path.
Whoever keeps the law is a smart son. The son who is a companion of carousers brings shame upon his father.
Whoever increases his wealth by charging interest and practising usury amasses it for those who will be generous to the poor.
He who closes his ears to the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination.
Whoever leads the righteous away on an evil path will fall into his own pit, while the innocent will claim a good inheritance.
Rich people see themselves as wise; one who is poor, but discerning sees through them.
When the righteous triumph, the people celebrate, but when the wicked come to power, men go into hiding.
People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but those who confess them and repent will find mercy.
Blessed is the man who is always reverent, but he who is hard-hearted will fall into ruin.
Like a roaring lion or a rampaging bear is a wicked ruler’s oppression of the poor.
A ruler without judgment will become a tyrant, but one who hates corruption will enjoy a long reign.
A man tormented with the guilt of murder rushes to the grave; let no man stop him.
He who walks upright will be spared, but he who is devious in his ways will suddenly fall.
He that works his land will have plenty of food, but he one who chases after vain fantasies will only have plenty of want.
A faithful man will have abundant blessings, but he who wants to get rich quick will not go unpunished.
To show partiality is not good, but some men may be bribed with a mere morsel of bread.
A greedy man hastens to enrich himself, but does not realize it is poverty that will overtake him.
Whoever rebukes a person will, in the end, find more favor than those who speak flattering words.
Whoever robs from his father and mother and claims, “It’s no sin,” is the same as a murderer’s accomplice.
The arrogant man stirs up conflict, but he who has faith in Jehovah will prosper.
He who relies upon his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom shall be kept safe.
Those who give to the poor will not be in want, but those who close their eyes to them will be cursed many times.
When the wicked come to power, the people go into hiding, but when the wicked perish, the righteous prosper.
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