A man, who after being repeatedly reproved, remains stiff-necked will have his neck broken beyond repair.
When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.
A man who loves wisdom brings joy to his father, but he who consorts with prostitutes squanders his wealth.
It is through justice that a king brings stability to his country. A ruler who takes bribes brings it to ruin.
The man who fawns over his neighbor is spreading out a net that will entangle his own feet.
The evil are trapped by their own transgressions, while the righteous sing and rejoice.
The righteous are concerned for the rights of the poor, but the wicked have no understanding of it.
Mockers inflame a city, but the wise mollify anger.
If a wise man debates with a fool, the fool will only rage and taunt and nothing will be settled.
Bloodthirsty men hate men of integrity, but upright men will seek to protect their lives.
A fool will immediately vent his anger, but a wise man will restrain himself till later.
A ruler who pays attention to falsehoods is served by corrupt men.
The oppressed and the oppressors have one thing in common, Jehovah gave sight to both of them.
If the king accords the poor justice, his throne will endure forever.
The rod and a reproof will impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined will bring shame to his mother.
When the wicked gain power, crime increases, but the righteous will witness their downfall.
Discipline your children and they will give you comfort and delight to your heart.
Without divine guidance, the people behave with abandon, but blessed is they who obey divine law.
A servant cannot be correct by mere words, for even when they are understood, they are not heeded.
Take note of the man who speaks hastily without thinking; there is more hope for the fool than for him.
A master who pampers his servant in childhood will find that when the servant grows up, he will behave as if he were his son and heir.
An angry man stirs up strife; hotheads cause all kinds of sins to be committed.
Arrogance will bring about a man’s downfall, but honor will come to the humble man.
The accomplice of a thief hates his own life. Though he testifies under oath, he discloses nothing.
Veneration of men leads one into a trap, but he who puts his trust in Jehovah is protected.
Many seek to curry the ruler’s favor, but human justice derives from Jehovah.
The dishonest are detested by the righteous, while those who lead upright lives are detested by the wicked.
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